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Help CenterCatalogue and Specs ManagementHow to store vendor rate contracts?

How to store vendor rate contracts?

Last updated March 24, 2023

To create a brand-specific rate contract with a vendor, click on the "Rate contract" tab in the Element library and select "Add new rate contract."

How to store vendor rate contracts?

To complete the rate contract, fill in the mandatory fields, such as the contract name, start date, end date, and other required information.

How to store vendor rate contracts?

To add elements to the rate contract, select the "Import from Element Library"

How to store vendor rate contracts?

To include an agreement sign document file in the rate contract, there is an option available to add the file.

How to store vendor rate contracts?

Once elements are added to the rate contract, you can include any relevant terms and conditions and then click "Create Rate Contract" to finalize the process.

How to store vendor rate contracts?

To make changes to a created rate contract, click on the three dots icon of the contract and select the "Edit" option.

How to store vendor rate contracts?

User can also make changes to a created rate contract, click on the Actions Button icon of the contract and select the "Edit" option.

How to store vendor rate contracts?

To cancel a rate contract, click on the contract and select the "Action" button, then choose the "Cancel" option to complete the cancellation process.

How to store vendor rate contracts?

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