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Help CenterScope and Order ManagementVendor Wise Scope & Progress Update

Vendor Wise Scope & Progress Update

Last updated March 24, 2023

Vendor wise Progress The third tab in the Order module is called "Vendor-wise Scope." In this tab, you can view all the elements of the order and apply filters by selecting a specific vendor from the dropdown menu. You can also track the progress of updated elements that the vendor has made from their RDash instance.

Vendor Wise Scope & Progress Update

"Select the vendor from drop down"

Vendor Wise Scope & Progress Update

On this page, there is a card that displays the total number of orders and items, the total scope amount, as well as the overall progress and progress made today.

Vendor Wise Scope & Progress Update

"Vendor wise Progress Report " The fourth module of the order is called "Vendor-wise Progress." Here, you can track the progress updates made by the vendor, including the images they have uploaded for each element. You can also apply filters by selecting a specific vendor from the dropdown menu to view their progress report.

Vendor Wise Scope & Progress Update

"Applying the filter to check the specific Vendor Progress Report" When you click the "Action" button, two options will appear: "Export Today's Progress" and "Export Progress Complete Report." You can choose to download the vendor DPR in PDF format based on your preference and the selected option.

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